• Sediments

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Nocturne n°1 – Sédiments – at les Journées Électriques, GMEA, Centre National de Création Musicale, Albi, France – Premiered on March 26th 2013, then tour


Sediments is the first part of the Nocturnes diptych.

Sediments is a 20 minute-long installation-performance, which only requires a room with a uniform white wall.

Mist, light and sound are interwoven to create a sensory experience. This moving sculpture creates evanescent forming and reforming shapes. In a stretched time, the performing elements take us into a dreamlike world where the transient moment blurs the past and the future…


Aurélie Baltazar : direction, scenography and dramaturgy
Pia Baltazar : intermedia composition and interpretation
Diane Dekerle : construction of the scenographic devices
Francis Bras (Interface-Z) : électro-mechanical conception
Nicolas Hincker (l’Arboretum) : software development: i-score
Théo de la Hogue (GMEA) : software development: Jamoma and Score framework


Production l’Arboretum SCOP
Coproduction: Le Phénix scène nationale de Valenciennes  / LaBRI-SCRIME, (i-score research project) / GMEA, National Center of Musical Creation of Albi (OSSIA research project)
Co-funding: Pictanovo, in the frame of the Expériences Interactives Fund, (with support from Conseil Régional Nord-Pas de Calais, Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine, CCI Grand-Hainaut, Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée)
With support from CNC-DICRéAM, and French Ministry of Culture (Aide Individuelle à la Création, Visual Arts – DRAC Nord-PdC for the preliminary visual research.
In partnership with the EDESAC team (CEAC laboratory, Université Lille 3), the SCV research cluster (iCAVS/IrDIVE, Tourcoing), and the Plaine Images / l’Imaginarium.